ECG Accuracy on Your Smartwatch

ECG Accuracy on Your Smartwatch

Weather Display on Your Smartwatch Reading ECG Accuracy on Your Smartwatch 2 minutes

Is the ECG monitoring on the smartwatch accurate?

Smartwatches now offer a new way to monitor heart health, moving beyond the hospital to your home. They allow you to perform ECG checks yourself, capturing heart issues in real-time. This feature provides a clear display of ECG data and function icons on the screen, including a touch area with an ECG curve symbol. The watch’s back includes ECG electrodes and optical sensors for accurate readings. For the best experience, connect your smartwatch to the app, which provides comprehensive ECG reports.

What does it mean if the test indicates “electrode disconnection”?

"Electrode disconnection" means the ECG signal is not being properly captured, which may occur due to:
1. Improper Contact: Your fingers may not be touching the metal plates on the watch correctly. Follow the standard manual measurement procedure to ensure proper contact.
2. Dry Skin: If your skin is too dry or the watch isn’t snug against your skin, the signal may not transmit well. Try moistening your wrist and fingers before retesting.
3. Check if there are any background processes on your phone that are closing apps (such as battery optimization settings or task killers). Leaving apps running in the foreground or exempting these processes can help maintain continuous data collection.